Is GUILT stealing your joy? Are past regrets haunting your present and darkening your future?
As women, we are experts on living with guilt. We are programmed almost from birth to hold tight to our failures and regrets and often to those of others too. Somehow hoping that if we claim them, we can lesson their effect on those we love.
This is a lie.
We need to let go of the guilt of the past and stop living a life of regret and self blame.
In order to live a thriving life - there are 3 guilt ridden sentences that we need to STOP saying to ourself:
I SHOULD have __________________.
I WOULD have ___________________.
I COULD have ___________________.
Would, should, could are laced with regret and blame. Anguish and condemnation are not serving you. Even though there may be truth to the sentences, ...
they are in the past
you are in the present.
They are not benefitting you in the present. They are filling your future with fear and insecurities instead of hope and faith.
Confess, accept, acknowledge, own your behavior, words or thoughts. Don’t hide them in your mind and soul, bring them out into the Light. This is the first step. We need to be honest with ourself. We are not perfect and we make mistakes, we say things we shouldn’t, we intentionally or unintentionally hurt ourself and others. You are human.
Forgive yourself.
Your name , I forgive myself for ______________________ and am so sorry for _______________________. Thank you, Lord, that you are merciful and forgiving.
The next part of forgiveness is to:
Speak truth and Life.
I like to post words of truth on my mirror so that I am reminded to speak truth to my soul. A few examples I've posted before are: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Ps.139:14) and MY FAITH > MY FEAR.
If necessary and if possible, ask the person you hurt for forgiveness and/or apologize to them. This isn't always possible to do, but it is always possible to speak forgiveness to your own soul.
Let it go. Stop the blame game. You have confessed and been forgiven, so now release the power it had over your soul. Tell guilt - "Guilt, you have no place in my soul. I am forgiven". Step out confidently in freedom - having released the bondage and weight of guilt.
Break the chains of guilt...THRIVE... take back your JOY.